Sunday, December 9, 2012

Damsel Spike

I LOVED this shoe but they were always really expensive so I waited and they went on sale on Nastygal and Solestruck during their black friday deals. I ended up ordering from Nastygal because I ordered another pair of shoes that only had one left and waited for the 40%off the next day at Solestruck so I didn't want to make two separate orders from Solestruck and if I did wait the next day I would only save like $10 so since I had been eyeing these for awhile I didn't want to wait and then them be sold out. Now I have another pair of Damsels and they aren't so painful but for some reason I think these killed my feet way worse then the claw ones, but maybe its because I wore these to Jingleball. Whoops! They look amazing but maybe not for so long. My feet were dying most of the night but so were my friends who was wearing wedges far shorter then mine so maybe it was just to long of a night and any shoe would hurt. They are a 6 1/2" heel with a 2" platform so it's not that bad if you're used to heels. The shoe itself is really great quality like all Jeffrey's. The leather is very soft and pretty and the spikes are heavy duty and SHARP! I really do love these shoes and the Damsel is still probably one of my favorites despite the discomfort.

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